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Posty Finder

Turning my Finder Icon into Post Malone

Posty Finder

Finder as Post Malone

If Austin Post is Reading This:


I would love the opportunity to write a song with you and share this icon for use at shows or on your Mac. Please reach out to me through my email or any form of social media.

Enjoy and be well,

Braxton Huff

~ The Creation

Turning Finder into Post Malone

As a long time Mac user, I have loved diving into tweaks for macOS and wanted to create my own. Sure there are some sweet things you can do to enhance your Mac but I wanted to do something different.

I decided that seeing Post Malone's face as my Finder icon instead of the default Finder would do the trick and I went about designing it from scratch.

Posty Finder in Figma

Posty Finder in Figma

The Process

To do this I found an open source project that I could use to replicate a version of Finder on my dock, then went to work designing in Figma. After dragging in a file of Posty's face, I worked on creating a version of Finder that looked exactly like Post Malone.

After multiple hours of designing, referencing, and tweaking, I finally made it to the final version of Finder that looked exactly like Post Malone.

Posty Finder

Finder becoming Post Malone


After designing in Figma, I used Xcode to create an app that could display on my Dock in place of Finder. Posty Finder works as an alterative to Finder thanks to a few different prebuilt components.

Building this version didn't prove to be easy however. There were many different issues with code signing and errors that I ran into along the way.

Posty in my Dock

Posty Finder on my Mac

Is Posty Finder Available for Download?

Posty Finder can be challenging to build so it is private for now. I am working on releasing an app so that Posty can live in your Dock! Let me know if you'd get the app early.

Thanks for Reading!

I hope you enjoyed learning about how I built my Post Malone version of Finder Mac Tweak. If you'd like to learn more or have any questions about my experience creating Posty Finder, please reach out! I’d love to discuss it with you!

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